Wicklow to the Fore in Cornmarket National Award Nominations
The good news filtered through recently that Wicklow is featuring heavily in the Cornmarket National Award nominations. Cumann na mBunscol Chill Mhantáin has been nominated in two award categories, namely the ‘Allianz PR’ award and the ‘Social Media’ award; and as well as this St. Laurence’s O’Toole NS Roundwood has also been nominated in the ‘School of the Year’ and ‘Promotion of Gaelic Games and Culture’ categories. This is a super achievement for the Garden County in this 32-county competition. The Cornmarket National Awards will be held in Mullingar on March 8th. We wish all involved the best of luck as they fly the flag for Wicklow.
North/East Fixtures – Term 2
Boys’ Football Allianz Coughlan Cup Day 1 on 29th February
Thurs 29th Feb
Bray Emmets GAA Club.
10:30am. We kindly ask schools to arrive at least 15 minutes earlier in order to start the Blitz at 10:30am.
Team Mentors must make themselves available to referee. Matches will be 11 a-side including goalkeeper. 3 points score over the bar, 1 point score in the net. Please let Áine Quinn know via email/WhatsApp (086 8803728) by Tuesday 27th Feb if your school will be in attendance and, if so, how many teams you will be sending. Schools must be registered with Cumann na mBunscol to participate in Cumann na mBunscol activities.
Girls’ Wicklow Times Shield Day 1
Thursday 7th March at 10:30am in Bray – 11-a-side.
Points only, goalkeeper. 3 points for a point, 1 point for a goal.
Boys’ Football Allianz Coughlan Cup Day 2
11th April at 10:30am in Bray Emmets – 11-a-side.
Points only, goalkeeper. 3 points for a point, 1 point for a goal.
Girls’ Wicklow Times Shield Day 2
18th April at 10:30am in Bray Emmets – 11-a-side.
Points only, goalkeeper. 3 points for a point, 1 point for a goal.
INTO Skills Challenge Dates and Information
The annual Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills competition will take place in regional venues on the week beginning April 8th. · North/East Skills Competition – Tuesday April 9th in Bray Emmets.
· South Skills Competition – Wednesday April 10th in Ballinakill. · West Skills Competition – Thursday April 11th in Blessington. o Boys Football and Hurling Skills Test @10:30am o Girls Football and Camogie Skills Test @12:00pm · County Final in Ballinakill – Wednesday April 17th *Please note – any teachers in attendance will be required to assist in the marking of tests.
Skills Test Enrollment Form (now online ONLY – please see link below)
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdVlojU9aTaFewSDvpXghT_uNjR1lzUEyuQ02CecFWM0FGwBg/viewform Please fill out the online Google Form by Friday 22nd March when enrolling players into the Skills Test competition. This helps the GDAs organise the smooth running of events as it provides them with key details in terms of names, numbers etc in advance. Age Restrictions Please take particular notice of the age restriction regarding this event. Note that the age limit has changed and is now the same for all schools regardless of enrolment numbers. Participants must be Born on or after January 1st 2012 Each school is permitted to send 2 representatives per code to compete in · Gaelic Football (boys) · Gaelic Football (girls) · Hurling · Camogie Each pupil will only be permitted to compete in one code. If a child has represented Wicklow in Croke Park previously in any code they cannot take part at any level of the skills test again e.g. regional skills day etc. The top 2 pupils in each code from each area will be invited to compete in the County Skill Tests scheduled for Wednesday April 17th in Wicklow GAA Centre of Excellence, Ballinakill. The top performing pupils in the County Skills tests will have the opportunity to represent their school and county during the half-time of selected All Ireland Series games during the summer. It is encouraged that each school host their own internal tests to aid selection of their representatives before forwarding them to the regional skill tests.
South Wicklow
A Great Day Out at the 1st and 2nd Class Girls Indoor Football in Aughrim
Well done to all the schools who attended the 1st and 2nd Class Girls Indoor Football Blitz in Aughrim on 22nd February. This was a 7 a-side blitz with unlimited subs. Schools represented included Coolafancy, Aughrim, Laragh, Kilcommon, Crossbridge, Our Lady’s Rathdrum, St. Saviours and Tinahely.
1st and 2nd Class Boys Football is on the 29th February
Please fill out the form below to register your interest in your school participating in the boys football blitz planned for 29th February 2024 in Aughrim. This will be a 7 aside blitz with unlimited subs. Smaller schools will be allowed to use 2nd class students to make up numbers. Smaller schools may also decide to group together with other small schools to field a team. Please register teams by 5pm Friday evening, 23rd February. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfv3-LCv5V5qWrZqXzkgTuE8ImeGFN7zbC2c2pzRF09AJwyxQ/viewform
Mixed Junior and Senior Infants Introduction to GAA Days Coming Up
Please note that we have Thursdays allocated for JI&SI mixed football in March. We may not need all dates (depends on numbers). We will be hosting a zoom meeting on Wednesday 28th at 3:30pm to discuss the format as it will not be like the normal blitz days. Schools attending will be required to run a “football station”. Schools who do not have somebody representing them at this Zoom meeting will not be eligible to attend these blitzes. Zoom link will be sent closer to the time.
West Wicklow
5th and 6th Class Boys Had a Great Day Out in Blessington
The 23rd February saw 5th and 6th Class Boys take to the field in Blessington displaying some great football skills. Rules on the day included that there was no limit on subs, that it was points only, that players can carry out the ball for a restart or kick the ball out; and that players were allowed 2 plays of the ball. This blitz was all about participation and getting as many boys playing football as possible, and this was certainly achieved! Well done to all involved. Schools that attended included Dunlavin, Senior National School, Hollywood, Blessington Educate Together, Donard and Valleymount.
Upcoming Fixtures
*7th March 3rd & 4th class Girls Football Dunlavin
*21st March 5th & 6th class Girls Football Baltinglass
12th April 5th & 6th class Small Schools (MIXED) Football Stratford
19th April 3rd & 4th class Boys Football Hollywood
3rd May 5th & 6th class (MIXED) Hurling Kiltegan
17th May 3rd & 4th class Small Schools (MIXED) Football Hollywood
24th May 3rd & 4th class (MIXED) Hurling Dunlavin
7th June 2nd class (MIXED) Football Blessington
Blitzes to take place on Fridays with throw in at 11am, please arrive in advance of this.
*Note that these two blitzes take place on Thursdays with the referendum on the 8th of March, and the 22nd being the last day before mid-term.
For any questions, please contact Cormac Noone (086 7013403) in relation to football and Conor Daly (086 0442762) for hurling.
Please send results, reports or photos to pro.cnmb.wicklow@gaa.ie, follow us on twitter @cnmbwicklow Keep up-to-date with all Allianz Cumann na mBunscol news in Wicklow on our website www.cnmbwicklow.ie
By wicklowpro Mon 26th Feb