Applied Suicide Intervention Training

By wicklowpro Sun 8th Jan

Applied Suicide Intervention Training
Applied Suicide Intervention Training

Training is open to all adults over 18. You do not have to be a member of the GAA

Below is the ASIST link for you to circulate for people to book online. The deadline for online registration is Thursday 16th February.

Date: Thursday 23rd & Friday 24th February 2023

Time: 9am – 5pm (Registration 8.45am)

Location: Wicklow GAA Centre of Excellence, Ballinakill, Rathdrum, Co Wicklow A67HW86

For: Community

Facilitators: Michael Noble & Collette Ryan

Please book here for participants to register for training.


I also attached an ASIST leaflet you may find useful to circulate. 



The ASIST programme is a two-day intensive, interactive, and practice-dominated workshop designed to help Caregivers recognize the immediate risk of suicide and learn how to intervene to prevent the tragic consequences of suicide. This training is aimed at professionals and individuals who are working in an area where they are likely to come into contact with someone who is at risk of suicide. ASIST is designed to help all Caregivers become more ready, willing, and able to help persons at risk of suicide.

The elements of the programme are:
Preparing: – sets the tone and expectations of the learning experience.
Connecting: – sensitises participants to their own attitudes towards suicide. Creates an understanding of the impact which attitudes have on the
intervention process.
Understanding: – overviews the intervention needs of a person at risk.
Focuses on providing participants with the knowledge and skills to
recognize risk and develop safe plans to reduce the risk of suicide.
Assisting: – Presents a model for effective suicide intervention. Participants develop their skills through observation and supervised simulation experiences in large and small groups.
Networking: – generates information about resources in the local community. Promotes a commitment by participants to transform local resources into helping networks.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: The ASIST Workshop is suitable for all Caregivers (community members and volunteers, health and social care professionals, youth workers, members of An Garda Siochana, Teachers, etc.) Note: We are all Caregivers either in a personal or professional capacity.

It is recommended that intending ASIST participants undertake the SafeTALK programme initially, especially if they are new to the area of suicide prevention and are of the opinion that they may benefit from this initial programme due to their level of mental health background and/or experience. Information on the contents of the SafeTALK programme and details of scheduled programmes are outlined on the Public Page of this website.

METHOD OF DELIVERY: Participants develop their skills through observation, supervised simulations experiences and role play in large and small groups. On completion of the training you will receive a certificate.

This training may be eligible for CPD points from your accrediting body. Please contact them directly for further details.

RECOMMENDATION: As the ASIST training can be challenging at an emotional level, it is not recommended for anyone who is feeling emotionally vulnerable. If you have experienced a major challenge in the last year, such as a bereavement, particularly a suicide bereavement, or have had thoughts of suicide in recent months, we would recommend that you do not undertake the training at this time and delay until you are feeling emotionally stronger.

For information or support:

Free individual counselling, therapy and support for people who self-harm or are thinking about suicide and people who have been bereaved by suicide.
Freephone 1800 247 247, or Text HELP to 51444
Samaritans services are available 24 hours a day, for confidential, non-judgmental support. Freephone 116 123

Text 50808
A free, 24/7 service, providing everything from a calming chat to immediate support for people going through mental health or emotional crisis.
Free-text HELLO to 50808

Your Mental Health information line
The Your Mental Health information line is a phone service you can call any time to get information on:
• the mental health supports and services available to you, and
• how to access different services provided by the HSE and services they fund.
Freephone 1800 111 888

Suicide Bereavement Liaison Service
The Suicide Bereavement Liaison Service is a free, confidential service that provides assistance and support to families and individuals after the loss of a loved one to suicide. Details for the SBLO in your area are available here:


Please NOTE:
• The training is free but booking is essential.
• Time keeping is really important. Registration is at 8.45am and the workshop
begins at 9.00am sharp.
• This training is for over 18s only.
• It is essential you attend the full two days to receive a certificate.
• All training events are run subject to minimum numbers.

By wicklowpro Sun 8th Jan

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