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Covid Update 30/04/21

By wicklowpro Fri 30th Apr

Covid Update 30/04/21
Covid Update 30/04/21

Covid Update for Clubs in the 26 Counties

A chara,

I know you will be aware by now of the positive announcement by the Irish Government yesterday in relation to the further relaxing of restrictions for society generally and for Gaelic Games in particular.

As you will appreciate, we need to receive further clarity on aspects of what was announced last evening but broadly speaking the following is what is proposed in the coming weeks:

From 10th May – Outdoor training is permitted at adult level in pods of a maximum of 15 people (including coaches). However, games are not allowed and indoor facilities must remain closed.

From 7th June (and subject to the Public Health situation at the time)Club games will be permitted at all levels but must be played “behind closed doors”.

We are currently liaising with the relevant Departments to seek further information on the finer details of what will be permitted at various points in the recovery plan. For the moment, we would ask for your patience in relation to questions you and the broader membership no doubt have in relation to the various return dates and the specifics of what will be allowed. It is our intention to issue a more detailed communication to Clubs and Counties next week and once further information is available.

In the interim, we would remind all Clubs in the 26 Counties of the following:

Until May 10th, only training for underage teams (non-contact and in pods of 15) is permitted. “Underage teams” means any registered team at U-18 level or below.
All indoor facilities must remain closed (exception: toilet facilities).
Fundraising events on GAA property are not currently permitted.
Gym facilities must remain closed (exception: Senior Inter County players may use their relevant Club Gym for individual training as long as they are following the advice in the Inter County Return to Training and Play document)

Inter County Challenge Games/U20 and Minor Training

The Allianz Leagues in Hurling will return on the weekend of May 8th/9th and in football on the weekend of May 15th/16th.

The broad announcements yesterday did not make any reference to when Challenge games will be permitted at inter county level. Nor was there any reference to when inter county U20 and Minor teams may return to training.

We are currently seeking clarity on these two points and will communicate directly with County Secretaries in this context once we receive it.  

In the interim, we would ask for your patience while we complete this work and we look forward to communicating in detail with you all againas soon as possible in relation to the resumption of GAA activity.

By wicklowpro Fri 30th Apr

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