Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Chill Mhantáin
Boys and Girls Indoor Football Blitz, an Ever Popular Event
Day 1 of Allianz Cumann na mBunscol’s (North-East) Indoor Blitz for 3rd & 4th class girls and boys took place in Shoreline, Greystones on Thursday 16th January. An ever popular event over the 3 days, Day 1 consisted of 5 schools taking part: Moneystown NS Roundwood, St. Peter’s Little Bray, Greystones Community School, Kilcoole NS and St.Fergal’s Ballywatrim Bray. The morning session saw Moneystown NS, St.Peter’s and Greystones CS display their skills. Although some of the children were new to the sport of Gaelic Football they adapted quite quickly to show off what they’ve learned thus far to demonstrate some great teamwork and well taken scores in both the boys and girls tournaments.
The afternoon session saw the boys and girls of Kilcoole NS participate along with 4 teams from St. Fergal’s. As with the morning session the players from both schools displayed a wide array of skills and gave a demonstration of hand passing to advance quickly up the pitch. Comhgairdeachas daoibh go léir!
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol would like to thank the recently qualified Young Whistlers who demonstrated a great understanding of the rules as well as an understanding of the playing abilities of their respective players. Finally, a big ‘míle buíochas’ to the schools’ coaches who facilitated this event: Paddy Mullan, Claire Frawley, Gary McGillycuddy, Eamonn Hughes & Oliver O’Brien.
We look forward to Day 2 on the 23rd January with Gaelscoil Uí Cheadaigh Brí Chulann, St. Patrick’s Wicklow Town, Scoil Chulann Brí Chulann, Scoil na Coroine Mhuire Ashford, Nun’s Cross Ashford and Greystones Educate Together taking part; as well as Day 3 on the 30th January with St. Laurence’s Greystones, St. Brigid’s Greystones, Ravenswell NS Bray, St. Laurence O’Toole’s NS Roundwood, St. Cronan’s Bray, Netownmountkennedy Primary and Greystones Educate Together NS again participating.
Whistles at the Ready – Hurling and Camogie Young Whistlers Training
Kilcoole Primary School played host to the latest Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Young Whistler training course on the 16th January 2020. Pupils from seven different schools across the North East of Wicklow participated on the day. Philip Campion, GDA, delivered the course with assistance from Breda Donnolly representing the Camogie Association and Kevin Spain. Pupils discussed the rules of the game, identified the qualities of the good referee and role played match situations. Each Young Whistler was then presented with a certificate on completion, a whistle and a Cumann na mBunscol referee’s jacket. Our newly qualified referees will take charge of hurling and camogie games in their schools and Allianz Cumann na mBunscol blitzes in the coming year. Well done to all new referees, Cumann na mBunscol committee members and a huge thank you to Philip, Breda and Kevin. The schools participating schools included: St. Laurences Greystones, St. Cronan’s, Scoil Chualann, Newtownmountkennedy PS, Gaelscoil Uí Cheadaigh, Greystones Educate Together, Kilcoole Primary School.
Looking Ahead to February
Indoor Camogie 2nd and 3rd Class.
Thursday 6th February, Shoreline, Greystones. Young Whistlers welcome.
Indoor Hurling 2nd and 3rd Class.
Thursday 13th February, Shoreline, Greystones. Young Whistlers welcome.
Boys’ Football Allianz Coughlan Cup Day 1
27th February, Bray Emmets and Kilcoole GAA Grounds/ Venue to be confirmed
Eleven-a-side and no age limit at 11.45 a.m.
(Your school will be contacted regarding which venue you will be attending)
Points only, goalkeeper. 3points for a point, 1 point for a goal.
Please send results, reports or photos to, follow us on twitter @cnmbwicklow Keep up-to-date with all Allianz Cumann na mBunscol news in Wicklow on our website