Information & Help

Health & Wellbeing Info & HelpThis section provides external connections too or information from specialist organisations

The information is being provided as Links or by way of Downloadable information.

Our first external organisation is

The Samaritans

Samaritans and GAA the winning team in tackling mental health.To find out more about the good work of the Samaritans and the GAA please check out our webpage by clicking on the link below.


Gambling Awareness

At the launch of the GAA’s new gambling awareness campaign, ‘Stop Before You Just Can’t Stop’, Uachtarán CLG, Larry McCarthy, said:

“Problem gambling remains a societal issue of concern; one that has negatively impacted the lives of numerous GAA players and their loved ones.”

To find out more about how the GAA is helping our members and their families please click on the link below to go to our Gambling Awareness webpage.

Gambling Awareness

Keeping information up to date

Wicklow GAA frequently review all Links and Downloadable information to make sure it is kept up to date, so please check back regularly. However, mistakes can happen and if we have made some can you please let us know by emailing our chairperson Dave on?

Thanks Wicklow GAA Health & Wellbeing Committee



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